One of the things that really enriches my life is gardening. I love plants, flowers and trees. Gardening is truly a creative and artistic pursuit. I think for those who love gardening, their gardens are a reflection of their personalities, and give a sense of where they and how they feel at home.
It's very hard to describe the feelings that ensue, when you create something that you first picture in your mind. The end result doesn't always match that picture, but the main thing is, that you derive a sense of pleasure from not only the end result, but the process of your gardens' evolution. Because gardens are always a work in progress. It takes time for some plants to grow to their full maturity, so your garden isn't always complete.
I love cottage gardens! I love rambling, unpredictable gardens. Not too precise, but not too wild either. I love differing textures of plants, to give balance amongst the greenery, and then splashes of colour to break it up. I love the soft light of the morning sun, and my favourite part of the day is opening up the curtains and looking out to the soft splash of that morning sun on the leaves and flowers, adding light and life to the garden. I love listening to the birds in the morning, and watching the delicate flowers of the native violets in my garden, sway in the gentle breeze. I love watching the spiders in their webs and the sparkles of dew glistening on them, from the early morning.
At the moment, the azaleas are in full bloom, and they are just gorgeous! As you can see in my photos, my Rhododendron has begun to bloom. Last year, I was leaving for Kapooka and they hadn't quite bloomed. This year, at least I get to enjoy them before I leave on Friday for Bandiana. I've asked a neighbour (who also loves gardening) to take care of my beautiful garden while I'm away, which gives me so much pleasure.
So I can't wait to return to sit and enjoy my garden and watch it grow. Though I'm a bit worried about my flowers, since Philomena is a serial flower picker! She does love flowers just like me and loves to help out in the garden too. She especially loves the worms!